Computer Applications in the Classroom

Task 1  - Weebly
Summary: Weebly is a 2.0 technology that is easy to operate.  It is a great way to set up a personal website!  It is so simple to upload pictures and files, blog, and communicate with others! 
Reflection: Prior to this class I had set up a Weebly website, but had not done much with it.  I learned new functions of the site and will definitely continue using it as my personal website.  The only downside to Weebly is that sometimes it is sluggish, but as long as you are patient, it will all be fine!

Task 2 - Journal Article and Summary/Reflection
Summary:  From the Union University library database, I chose the article Avoiding the Digital Abyss to read, summarize, and reflect upon.  This article stresses the importance of filling the gap in technology that occurs when students know more than the teachers, and the teachers avoid using technology in the classroom.
Reflection:  I thoroughly enjoyed this article, as it helped open my eyes to the importance of staying up to date on technological advances.  I also learned ways to implement technology activities, such as blogging, into my classroom.  I definitely plan on following the ideas laid forth in this article.

Task 3 - Experiencing a Learning Web
Summary: This task was centered upon research about copyright laws.  We were given websites to use for our research, and were instructed to find main points on software piracy, software copyright laws, software purchasing agreements, and acceptable use policy.  We were then instructed to narrow down the new information into key points, and organize them by subject on a spreadsheet in Google docs.  Once we had the spreadsheet ready to go, we transitioned that information into a PowerPoint slide show
Reflection:  Through this assignment, I realized how much I did NOT know about copyright laws.  The amount of information is a little overwhelming, but it is also very repetitive.  I will be very careful when making copies from now on.  I will also be more aware of what I can and cannot copy when it comes to software.

Task 4 - STAR Center
Summary:  For this task, we researched the Star Center website and compiled a brief Google document summarizing the services offered at the Center along with what we wanted to learn.  After that was complete, we visited the Star Center in Jackson, Tennessee. We were able to take a tour through the facility and see what happens on a daily basis.  After our visit, we completed the document with information that we learned on our trip.
Reflection: I did not realize what a treasure we have right here in our city until I visited the Star Center.  It is not simply a place for people with disabilities to go, it is a community that enhances the lives of people.  They help find jobs for people, do job training, and help people cope with their disabilities.  I truly appreciate those that serve at the Star Center.

Task 5 - Virtual Fieldtrip
Summary: This was a very extensive task!  I chose my standards and then  took pictures to show my class - to take them on a "virtual fieldtrip."  I then took my pictures and my standards and created the following: Trailfire, VoiceThread, a Crossword Puzzle, Card Game, Bingo, E-quiz and an Interactive PowerPoint Game!
Reflection: This task helped me to learn all the fun ways in implement technology in the classroom.  These resources are not only helpful to me as the teacher, but also to my students.  If they can create trails and threads for their own work, they will take it a lot more seriously because of the feeling of ownership.
Task 6 - Lesson Plan
Summary: I created a lesson plan based on my standards used in Task 5.  We were instructed to focus on how to use technology in our lesson plan, both teacher directed and student focused.  The lesson plan had to be written in enough detail that a substitute teacher could pick it up and know exactly what to do.
Reflection: I felt that I improved on my lesson plan writing during this task.  I focused on scripting everything so if someone had to fill in for me it would be clear what should be happening in that class.  I enjoyed writing my lesson plan.  I plan on creating more lesson plans that implement technology in the classroom.